The studio also forms the second quarter of a two-quarter coordinated curriculum sequence that is structured for the development of the full range of integrative design skills. This two-quarter sequence provides a single integrated experience that encompasses the majority of the most advanced required coursework. The winter studio focuses on the building as part of larger urban systems related to energy, ecology and mobility. Project types might include institutional buildings, housing or hybrid proposals with a focus on the definition of interior space within the broader urban context according to an urban ecological lens. The studio will begin with the exploration of building systems and culminate with a fully developed design that confronts issues of building performance. In exploring these wide-ranging concerns, the various sections of the studio will expose students to a variety of pedagogical approaches, architectural concepts and design strategies. At the same time the scale and type of projects as well as the expectation for their development will be closely coordinated among the sections to maintain a common experience. The goals of the Integration studios are to facilitate the acquisition of professional skills in the integration of knowledge and critical thinking in the design process