This course will focus on the careful documentation of one aspect of Berlin’s urban environment with an emphasis on the integration of mixed media: drawing, writing, photography, video, and sound. Through thoughtful investigation and observation, students will develop independent work habits, hone research skills in an unfamiliar context, and develop new techniques for communicating and documenting observations. Berlin is a living record of itself, in both verb and noun form. Its perpetual state of demolition, change, and growth ensures that the record will be re-recorded constantly. The city is simultaneously a place for taking measurements (in a comparative sense) as well as a registration of the measurement. For this course, your classroom will be the city itself, and you will reflect on your impressions collected while you are part of this city. The intent is to constantly observe and record as you go about your daily life - on your commute to the studio, your trips to the grocery store while attending the history lectures and tours, weekend wanderings, and so on.